USSL will implement the following activities to accomplish this assignment.

SL# Activity When
1 Compile the format and pre select participants. (Send Format) 7 Days before the training Starts
2 Select appropriate modules and trainers 7 Days before the program commences
3 Plan a budget for the program 7 days before the program commences
4 Send the pre training Orientation Packet
► Program Booklet
► Program Schedule
► Program Outline
► Venue with Sketched map
3 days before the training commences
5 Identify the list their names/address/contact Number/session topics/day date/time.
► Request them to prepare the handouts.
► Invite them for the Pre Training Meeting/dry run session.
3 days before the training commences
6 Send Telegram/ Letter to the participants reconfirm their presence. 01 Days before the training commences
7 Organize the Training materials
Folder/Pen/Name /Name Card/Toiletries
White VIPP Board, OHP/TV and VCP, Laptop/Flip Board, Poster/Transparency/ Marker Writing Pad (with SEMP logo)
03 days before the training commences
8 Organize the followings:
► Banners
► Posters (On the training)
02 days before the training commence
9 Remind the Chief/Special Guests about the Opening Ceremony. 02 days before the training
SL# Activity When
1 For the Opening Ceremony do the followings:
► Organize the Rostrum/Table
► Organize the Refreshments
► Keep the A-V/PA system functional.
► Make  sure the Camera is OK
► Make a draft press release.
► Dispatch the Press Release.
1st Day of the training
2 Organize the followings:
► Per-Diem
► Honorarium
07 days before the training commences
3 Bring all the training materials to the training venue 01 day before the program commences
4 Receive the Participants On the morning of the training
5 Give the Participants the followings:
► Handouts
► Basic Course Materials
Every day
6 Ensure:
► Clean toilet
► Hygienic refreshment.
7 Attendance of the participants in
► Attendance Sheet
8 Do the followings for the Closing Ceremony:
► Send Invitation Letter
► Prepare the Certificates
► Ensure good refreshments
► Prepare the Per-diem Sheet/Packet
► Organize the Closing Ceremony
Closing day of the training.
9 Maintain Inventory Control On Going Process
SL# Activity When
1 Thank you letter for the Participants/Facilitators 7 days after the training Program
2 Reports preparation and submission 10 days after the training program
3 Post training discussion meeting 10 days after the training program